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west counselor

West Elementary implements the 7 Mindsets curriculum to provide students with healthy coping skills and the tools they need for positive emotional and mental wellness. 7 Mindsets teaches growth mindset, resilience, empathy, relationship building, responsible decision making, etc., supports district's Monthly Character Spotlight , and targets TEA required character traits.

Students may also use the Rhithm app to complete a daily check in. The quick assessments lead to short 1- to 2-minute activities for regulation in behavior and emotions for optimal learning.

The school counselor works with teachers, staff, and district staff to help families and students receive services they may need through group and individual counseling.

To contact  School Counselor, Pamela Bailey, call 817-367-1334 ext. 6202 or email or visit her virtual office

School Counselor

Pamela Bailey
817-367-1334 ext. 6202 
Virtual Office 

Pam new
